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Chinese Medicine

Picture of Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Lumos Medical Center offers Traditional Chinese Medicine along with Naturopathic Medicine. This allows us to combine Western and Eastern medicinal approaches to your healthcare. By observing health along multiple different facets, we give a well-rounded approach and can find the true cause to your concerns.

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the oldest therapies used today that has been shown to help with an extensive number of conditions. It addresses health on multiple levels, including physical, energetic, mental/emotional, and spiritual. It is a holistic approach that involves Yin and Yang and an energy source that flows throughout the body, allowing the body to function properly. This energy is known as Qi (or Chi), and has been shown to be synonymous with many healing terms in other cultures, such as breath, oxygen, ATP, ki, light, prana, mana, and vis medicatrix naturae.

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Conditions often treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine:

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